Designed by : an ordinary man
When former Greek sailing champion Sofia Bekatorou revealed in December 2020 that she had been sexually harassed by a senior functionary of the Greek sailing federation, no one in Greece thought her testimony would start a Greek #MeToo movement. Three years after the birth of #MeToo in the US, tongues in Greece loosened among sportswomen, students, journalists, and actresses. Inspired by Bekatorou´s courage, more women began going public with experiences of sexual harassment using the hashtag #metisofia (on Sofia´s side).
However, despite the rise of the Greek #MeToo movement, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and authoritarian violence remain unsolved issues in Greece where 18 cases of femicide were reported in 2021.
This t-shirt aims to state the obvious: All women deserve respect and there must be an immediate end to gender / domestic violence, in Greece and everywhere else. On the 1st of August 2022, part of sales was donated to support the Diotima Center (handle), a women’s organization for gender rights and equality, and in particular the support of legal aid services to survivors of gender / domestic violence.
100% cotton